On Wednesday, October 11, the first SVEF trio of winter will be held at Nauthól.
This first Trio will cover the web design and project designer’s work. This is a lunch event so that you can choose to gather friends and co-workers to learn, strengthen the network and eat well.
Some presentable designers from different branches of the industry will present a lecture, but this is an event that no designer or webmaster expert can ignore.
Schedule of meeting:
- 11:30 am Meeting and lunch served
- 11:35 Heiðar Þór Jónsson, designer at Brandenburg
- 12:05 Jóhanna Þorkelsdóttir, designer at the Think Center
- 12:35 Jón Frímansson, designer at Slikk Studios
- 13:00 Completed formal schedule
Chairperson: Anna Signý Guðbjörnsdóttir board member at SVEF and expert at TM Sofware.