
SVEF trio – The Designer

On Wednesday, October 11, the first SVEF trio of winter will be held at Nauthól.

This first Trio will cover the web design and project designer’s work. This is a lunch event so that you can choose to gather friends and co-workers to learn, strengthen the network and eat well.

Some presentable designers from different branches of the industry will present a lecture, but this is an event that no designer or webmaster expert can ignore.

Schedule of meeting:

  • 11:30 am Meeting and lunch served
  • 11:35 Heiðar Þór Jónsson, designer at Brandenburg
  • 12:05 Jóhanna Þorkelsdóttir, designer at the Think Center
  • 12:35 Jón Frímansson, designer at Slikk Studios
  • 13:00 Completed formal schedule

Chairperson: Anna Signý Guðbjörnsdóttir board member at SVEF and expert at TM Sofware.